Our Local Legend is emerging from hiding to ask for your help. Join him as we give back FIVE PERCENT from select Schilling Cider products.
Because Schilling Hard Cider is committed to preserving the Pacific Northwest wilderness, and now more than ever, believes in supporting the organizations that actively work to protect these endangered areas. From April 22 to Memorial Day, Schilling Hard Cider will donate 5% of profits from sales of its two best-selling ciders – Local Legend and Excelsior Imperial Cider – to Washington Wild and Oregon Wild.
Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations.
Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild represents the fish and wildlife, ancient forests, and rich diversity of public lands and landscapes that make this state so special. We work to protect and restore the parts of the natural world that do not have a human voice, while not forgetting that humans are interconnected with nature and its systems.
Washington Wild protects and restores wild lands and waters in Washington State through advocacy, education, and civic engagement.
Since 1979, Washington Wild has played an invaluable role in permanently protecting nearly three million acres of Wilderness throughout Washington State. We bring people together in the vigorous defense of our remaining wild forests, waters, and wildlife. By educating, empowering and mobilizing our communities, Washington Wild builds powerful grassroots networks that help protect wild lands and waters throughout the state.
Local Legend DJ Party
Fremont Cider House
Saturday, May 14th
2pm - 6pm
KEEP IT WILD Comedy Night
Portland Cider House
Saturday, May 19th
6pm - 9pm
Listen to Local Legend's Legendary Tracks
Enter to Win!
Enter to win a custom Keep It Wild x Yeti Giveaway! We thank you for your contribution. The Local Legend will be proud!